This is an overuse syndrome which originates from excessive strain on both the wrist and finger flexor musculature as well as the forearm pronator musculature as it attaches to the medial aspect of the elbow. Typical activities such as forceful, repetitive wrist and finger flexion or forearm torquing can produce this form of tendinitis. Appropriate orthopedic care would now consist of a conservative management program. This includes the avoidance of abusive activities which involve forceful, repetitive wrist and finger flexion, anti-inflammatory medicine, the use of a counter-force forearm strap, a supervised rehabilitation exercise program including ASTYM, frequent icing to the medial aspect of the elbow, and possibly even a cortisone injection into the area of maximum point tenderness. If the symptoms are severe enough, a cortisone injection may lead to tremendous pain relief in approximately 80% of patients. On occasion a second injection may be necessary.
If the patient fails to respond to these conservative treatments then further treatments are available such as Sonorex Treatment, Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment or surgery.